Jewish Life The Old Country Ethnic Recordings 1958-1964, LP
Folkways FG 3801 (US 1952)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Folk Music of Palestine 1949-1959, LP
Folkways FW 4408 (US 1951)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Religious Music Of The Falashas, LP
Folkways FE 4442 (US 1951)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Arabic And Druse Music, LP
Folkways FE 4480 (US 1961)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Various Artists – Beduin Music of Southern Sinai, LP
Folkways FE 4202 (US 1978)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Gloria Levy – Sephardic Folk Songs, LP
Folkways FW 8737 (US 1958)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Greek-Jewish Musical Traditions, LP
Folkways FE 4205 (Israel 1978)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ballads, Wedding Songs, And Piyyutim Of The Sephardic Jews Of Tetuan And Tangier, Morocco, LP
Folkways FE 4208 (US 1983)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yehezkel Hai El-Beg – Babylonian Biblical Chants, LP
Folkways FW 8930 (US 1959)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Morasha, Traditional Jewish Musical Heritage, LP
Folkways FE 4203 (US 1978)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
In Israel Today Volume 1 Bukhara, LP
WESTMINSTER WF 12026 (US 1959)
with book for all 4 volumes
media: NM
sleeve: NM
In Israel Today Volume 2 Morocco, LP
WESTMINSTER WF 12027 (US 1959)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
In Israel Today Volume 3 Yemen, LP
WESTMINSTER WF 12028 (US 1959)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
In Israel Today Volume 4 Eastern Europe, LP
WESTMINSTER WF 12029 (US 1959)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Various Artists – Jewish Yemenite Songs From The Diwan, LP
Anthology of Musical Traditions in Israel AMTI 8201 (Israel 1980)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Various Artists – Sephardic Songs From The Balkan, LP
Anthology of Musical Traditions in Israel AMTI 8001 (Israel 1980)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Hassidic Tunes for Dancing & Rejoicing, LP
RCA 1-029 (Israel 1976)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Various Artists – Synagogal Art Music (XII-XVIII centuries), LP
Anthology of Musical Traditions in Israel AMTI 7901 (Israel 1979)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ersilia Colonna Lopez – Otto Secoli di Musica Ebreica, LP
DUCALE DUC 356 (Italy 1983)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Suzanne Haik Ventoura – La musique de la Bible revelee, LP
Harmonia Mundi HMU 989 (France 1976)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Laszlo Sandor – Music of The Bible, Old Hebrew Songs, LP
Fidelio FL 3357 (Holland 1980)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Die Musik Der Bibel, LP
Schwann Musica Sacra AMS 8 (Germany 1968)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Songs of the Defenders of Israel, 10″ LP
Israel Music Foundation LP 2 (US 1950)
media: VG
sleeve: VG
Israeli Folk Dance Orchestra – Songs of Hope, 10″ LP
Israel Music Foundation LP 3 (US 1950)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Land of Israel, LP
Israel Music Foundation LP 1 (US 1949)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Sidor Belarsky – Songs of Israel
RCA Victor LPM 3197 (US 1954)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
New Songs of Palestine (Songs of Israel), 10″ LP
Mercury MG 25073 (US 1948)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Musica de Israel, LP
Tempos Antigos M1-822 (Brazil 1956)
צד ראשון כולל את ה-“10 של להקת ענבל וצד שני הוא אוסף מהתקופה
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Composers in Israel Marc Lavry, 10″ LP
Hed-Arzi AN 11-47 (Israel 1957)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Nachum Nardi – Israel In Song, LP
Tikva T-048 (US 1960)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Various Artists – Music of Nachum Nardi, LP
Hebraica LP 1 (US 1966)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Miriam Jacobi – Nachum Nardi’s Holiday Songs for Children, LP
Tikva T-096 (US 1965)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Na’ama – Nachum Nardi, Music to Children Songs by Bialik, LP
Galton 5792 (Israel 1960)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Israel Folk Songs & Dances, LP
Makolit 12039-2 (Israel 1962)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Potpourri od Famous Israeli Songs, 10″ LP
Makolit LP 123 (Israel 1955)
The record is quite crooked and worn
media: Bad
sleeve: VG+
Hits That Never Die!, LP
Hed-Arzi AN 44-33 (Israel 1961)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
New and Ancient, 10″ LP
Makolit LP 209 (Israel 1961)
media: G
sleeve: VG+
Exodus, 7″ EP
Makolit 5493 (Israel 1965)
sleeve has name written on front
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Holiday in Israel, LP
Hed-Arzi AN 48-33 (Israel 1965)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Hit Parade 2 (Israeli Songs 1), LP
Hed-Arzi AN 44-10 (Israel 1961)
Special ZIM edition – Extremely rare in this condition!
media: NM
sleeve: VG+
Shiru Shir Troup – With Hadassa Sigalov and Meir Harnik (Israeli Songs 2), LP
Hed-Arzi AN 46-06 (Israel 1962)
Special ZIM edition – Extremely rare in this condition!
media: NM
sleeve: VG+
מהדורת ציםPeace on the waves, 7″ EP
Hed-Arzi 2681 (Israel 1965)
media: NM
sleeve: VG+
Shalom, Israeli Interlude, 10″ LP
Cruise Records ZB-109 (Israel 1960)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ben Sharon , Ruth Sharon – The Voices of Israel and Songs of the World, 10″ LP
Cruise Records ZB-113 (Israel 1961)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
S.S. Shalom Presents: Israeli Nights, LP
Hed-Arzi AN 49-21 (Israel 1966)
Ansolutely rare in this condition
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Bimott Presents Such a Meeting, LP
Hed-Arzi BAN 48-91 (Israel 1966)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Israeli Golden Hits, LP
Hataklit 30203 (Israel 1966)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Israeli Golden Hits, LP
Hataklit 30312 (Israel 1967)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Hit Parade, LP
A.Z.R 51-51 (Israel 1968)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Hit Parade, LP
A.Z.R 52-52 (Israel 1968)
media: VG
sleeve: VG