Raymond Smolover – Gates of Freedom. LP
Covenant Records 6312 (US 1968)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
David Benedict – Praise Ye The Lord, LP
Temple Israel Records CO 1976 (US 1970)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
SIM SHALOM Jazz Rock Service, LP
private 10113 (US 1970)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ray Edgar – The Hush of Midnight, LP
AMIM 425 (US 1972)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Raymond Smolover – Where the rainbow ends, An Interfate Folk Rock Ceremony, LP
Covenant Records EG 1214 (US 1972)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Raymond Smolover – Edge of Freedom, A Folk/Rock Service for the Sabbath, LP
Bell Records BELL 6021 (US 1974)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Bifty Folk Rock – Creation, LP
B’Nai Israel (US 1981)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
The Young Israel, 7″ EP
LUNA Recordings 102 (Israel 1969)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yebi the Poet – From Heart to Heart, LP
Israel Records 0001 (Israel 1967)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yebi the Poet – A Simple Man, LP
private (Israel 1968)
Sleave opening + small tear on bottom
media: VG+
sleeve: VG
Shai k Ophir – Everything You Wanted to Hear, LP
Hed-Arzi BAN 14370 (Israel 1973)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Kol Haraam – Kol Haraam from Cairo, 7″ EP
private 885 (Israel 1967)
Side number handwritten on label
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Chaim Topol – Love Song, 7″ single
CBS 5918 (UK 1977)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Richie Havens – Shalom, Salem Aleicum, 7″ single
CBS SP 29 (Israel 1977)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
The Cousins – El Fabuloso Conjunto Arabe Israeli, LP
RVV RVV-S-1105 (Mexico 1965)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Raymond Oujdy – Sadate Begin, 7″ single
Oujdisques (morocco 1973)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
The Voice of Peace, The Eighties, Documentary LP, LP
Galim Records VOP 100 (TSI 5062) (Israel 1990)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Marino Marini e il suo quartetto, 7″ DJ
private 2499/2500 (Israel 1960)
media: G
sleeve: G
Alex Weiss – It’s Good, It’s Good, It’s Osem, Four Hit Dances, 7″ EP
Makolit – (Israel 1962)
media: NM
sleeve: VG+
Geula Gill – Jerusalem of Gold, 7″ single
CBS SP 10 (Israel 1967)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
String Tracks (Discount), 7″ EP
Hed-Arzi MN-566 (Israel 1967)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG
Danny Sanderson – Yosef the Carpet King, 7″ DJ
private 45-1127 (Israel 1978)
media: VG+
sleeve: No Sleeve
Yoav Kutner – Little Man on the Radio, 7″ EP
Black Gold (3rd Ear) BG 087 (Israel 2022)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ron Eliran – Distant Longing, 2CD
Hataklit (Israel 2018)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Shlomo Gronich – Why Didn’t You Tell Me!?, CD
Phonodor 13008 (Israel 1971)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ehud Banai – III, CD
(Israel 1992)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ehud Banai – Wee bit, CD
NMC (Israel 1998)
media: VG+
sleeve: VG+
Ehud Banai – Answer Me, CD
NMC (Israel 2004)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Michael Chapman, Ehud Banai – EB=MC2, CD
Nana Disc (Israel 2017)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yehuda Poliker – The Child in You, CD
NMC CD 20158-2 (Israel 1995)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yehuda Poliker – Later perhaps early, CD
NMC 20275 (Israel 1998)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Yehuda Poliker – What do you call my love, CD
NMC (Israel 2001)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Zeev Tene – It Sings, CD
High Fidelity (Israel 2010)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Eran Reiss – Thin, CD
private (Israel 2003)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Arkady Duchin – Arcadi Duchin, CD
Hed-Arzi 15765 (Israel 1995)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Dor Dvorsky – Nafshi, CD
private (Israel 2013)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Margalit Ankori – That’s Not How it Was, CD
private (Israel 2006)
Demo on generic CD
media: Gener
sleeve: NM
Dana Berger – Dana Berger, CD
NMC (Israel 1994)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Dikla – Love Music, CD
Hed-Arzi (Israel 2000)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Shez – Crazy dance, CD
private (Israel 2002)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ninette Tayeb – Barefoot, CD
Helicon (Israel 2006)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Ninette Tayeb – Communicative, CD
Helicon (Israel 2009)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
High Windows – High Windows, CD
Hed-Arzi 64325 (Israel 2000)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
The Lions of Judah – Collection, CD
Phonokol (Israel 1994)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
DXM – Grin, CD
3rd Ear/Nana Ozen 052/Nana Disc6989 (Israel 1995)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Lord Flimnap – Point Of View,
Earsay ES 034 (Israel 2004)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Dr. Kaspar’s Rabbit Show – Dr. Kasper’s Rabbit Show, CD
Hed-Arzi (Israel 1993)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Plastic Venus – Plastic Venus, CD
FACT (Israel 2003)
Original lyrics insert included.
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Plastic Venus – Helven Park, CD
swim WM 5 (UK 1995)
media: NM
sleeve: NM
Plastic Venus – Mirror, CD
BNE bne 044 (Israel 2000)
media: NM
sleeve: NM